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Intelsat 37e (18°W) - Alle uitzendingen

Satpositie Sateliet Norad .ini News Kanalen FTA-kanalen Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation Updaten
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 42950 20 20 18.04°W -0.02° 0.02° N/A N/A 2025-01-02 23:07

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49 Antwoord(en) - Verdeling per frequentie - Nieuwe info: 2025-01-02 23:07 CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 3696.00L-Europe + AfricaDVB-S28PSK10835 5/6 00 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2019-07-31)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 3877.00L-Europe + AfricaDVB-S28PSK16195 3/5{90DDA122-D72A-44F4-8716-F5971, 28.8 Mbps 11 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2020-06-01)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 3903.00R-Europe + AfricaDVB-S28PSK1666 3/4M@)À, 853 b/s 655351 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-08-13)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 3955.00R-Europe + AfricaDVB-SQPSK3220 3/4MPEG2/MPEG4 Encoder, 4 451 Kbps 655351 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2021-11-13)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 3969.00L-Europe + AfricaDVB-SQPSK11850 3/4{90DDA122-D72A-44F4-8716-F5971, 16.4 Mb/s 1002 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2022-10-22)
18.0°W 6Intelsat 37e 3990.00R-Europe + AfricaDVB-S28PSK9036 5/6Ghana Transport, 398 b/s 13 KingOfSat charts update form
Ghana TV General FTA 301 111 112 eng  110  111    2024-10-26 +
TV 3 Ghana General FTA 304 141 142 eng  140  141    2024-10-26 +
Metro TV General FTA 305 151 152 eng  150  151    2024-10-26 +
Pent TV General FTA 307 171 172 eng
173 eng 
170  171    2024-10-26 +
Kessben TV General FTA 308 181 182 eng
183 a02 
180  181    2024-10-26 +
United TV General FTA 320 301 302 eng  300  301    2024-10-26 +
18.0°W 8Intelsat 37e 4000.00R24Europe + AfricaDVB-S28PSK7636 5/62.2 kb/s 16 KingOfSat charts update form
Strong Live Entertainment FTA 601 111 112 por  110  111    2022-03-27 +
Gungu TV General FTA 602 121 122 por  120  121    2020-11-15 +
Gloom Entertainment FTA 603 131 132 por  130  131    2020-11-12 +
Mega TV (Mozambique) General FTA 604 141 142 por  140  141    2021-05-23 +
Top TV Mozambique Entertainment FTA 605 151 152 por  150  151    2020-11-15 +
Miramar Various FTA 606 161 162 por  160  161    2018-03-06 +
STV – Soico Televisão General FTA 607 171 172 por  170  171    2020-11-15 +
TV Sucesso Entertainment FTA 608 181 182 por  180  181    2022-10-08 +
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 4008.00R24Europe + AfricaDVB-S2QPSK6730 3/410 Mb/s 15 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2024-04-28)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 4018.00R24Europe + AfricaDVB-SQPSK4444 2/32.2 Mb/s 11 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2024-12-27)
18.0°W 1Intelsat 37e 4030.00RAFCRDEurope + AfricaDVB-S28PSK2500 3/4Ericsson, 4.5 Mb/s 655351 KingOfSat charts update form
Naam Land Category Packages Codering SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT Updaten
Emmanuel TV Religious Service Provider FTA 1 33 34 eng
35 eng 
32  33    2023-08-13 +
18.0°W 5Intelsat 37e 4096.00LAFCLDEurope + AfricaDVB-S2
T2-MI, PLP 0
8PSK7324 3/4NAN b/s 00 KingOfSat charts update form
ORTM 1 General Mux Public FTA 1 110 121 fra  480  110    2024-04-18 +
ORTM 2 General Mux Public FTA 2 210 221 fra  480  210    2024-02-18 +
TM1 General Mux Public FTA 3 510 521 fra  480  510    2024-02-18 +
Segou TV General Mux Public FTA 4 2010 2021  480  2010    2024-02-18 +
Cherifla TV General Mux Public FTA 5 1010 1021  480  1010    2024-02-18 +
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 4130.00L-GlobalDVB-S28PSK2060 3/4642 b/s 80803 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2025-01-02)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 10990.40V-Europe + AfricaDVB-S28PSK50000 3/5  KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-05-01)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 11047.70V-Europe + AfricaDVB-S2QPSK
Stream 0
39954 1/4  KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-05-01)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 11047.70V-Europe + AfricaDVB-S2QPSK
Stream 254
39954 1/4NAN b/s  KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-05-01)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 11077.50V-Europe + AfricaDVB-S232APSK3520 3/4NAN b/s  KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-05-01)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 11082.30H-Europe + AfricaDVB-S28PSK21997 3/4 00 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2019-05-28)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 11098.50V-Europe + AfricaDVB-S2QPSK16750 5/6NAN b/s  KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-05-01)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 11490.10H-Europe + AfricaDVB-S28PSK1000 32/45NAN b/s  KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-05-01)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 11494.90H-Europe + AfricaDVB-S232APSK5454 3/4NAN b/s  KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-05-01)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 11562.10H-Europe + AfricaDVB-S28PSK32818 3/4NAN b/s  KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-05-01)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 11605.00H-Europe + AfricaDVB-S244636 NONENAN b/s  KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-05-01)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 11631.30H-Europe + AfricaDVB-S232APSK2333 3/4NAN b/s  KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-05-01)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 11636.20H-Europe + AfricaDVB-S2QPSK1594 1/3NAN b/s  KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-05-01)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 11653.20H-Europe + AfricaDVB-S28PSK3909 3/4NAN b/s  KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-05-01)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 11675.50H-Europe + AfricaDVB-S216APSK35619 5/6NAN b/s  KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-05-01)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 12519.70H-Europe + AfricaDVB-S216APSK12000 2/3  KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-05-01)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 12541.50H-Europe + AfricaDVB-S216APSK20170 3/4NAN b/s  KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-05-01)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 12565.70H-Europe + AfricaDVB-S2QPSK11595 1/4NAN b/s  KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-05-01)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 12608.30H-Europe + AfricaDVB-S226545 NONENAN b/s  KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-05-01)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 12643.10V-Europe + AfricaDVB-S28PSK21420 3/4NAN b/s  KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-05-01)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 12673.00V-Europe + AfricaDVB-S2QPSK
Stream 0
21000 1/4NAN b/s  KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-05-01)
18.0°W Intelsat 37e 12711.00V-Europe + AfricaDVB-SQPSK3182 1/22 933 kb/s 4001 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2021-11-13)

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