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Jaarboek & Zapping Europese sateliet
TV kanaal gezocht:

This feature aims at showing on the map the dish sizes that allow a good reception of a beam,
updated upon your own reception reports. Your specific comments for each beam are also available under the map.

In order to post your own reception reports you must define your position and dish size on the Profile page


Detailed reception reports and comments about this beam:

2017-12-14 03:28:12Rastî Duskî (-,120cm) Li kurdistane 100%100 signal

2011-07-26 21:48:48malheur (-,110cm) ? 12690.00 H F5 Europe A DVB-S QPSK 2894 3/4 4 148 Kbps no signal with 1.20 cm

2011-04-14 09:55:47GBI (52.4N-5.5E,110cm) Fantastic signal, also from 78cm.

2010-12-12 13:12:25SIR2010 (35.2N-4.9W,90cm) ? BON RECEPTION

2010-09-23 20:05:55RLloyd92 (52.9N-3W,90cm) 85%+ quality here in north-east Wales

2009-09-26 13:43:33burli (54.2N-18.3E,35cm) 35cm dish. Quality: 37-40% in Gdańsk, Poland. Reception is stable.

2009-03-20 22:14:07norme (-,250cm) ? en afrique male la reception est trop difficille y a beaucoup de perturbation

2008-03-07 18:48:27odellp (35N-34E,80cm) 70% signal in Protaras Cyprus

2007-02-26 12:57:34uwem (53.5N-10.1E,60cm) good reception with 60 cm prime focus dish

2007-02-01 20:30:04trofense (41N-8.3W,80cm) bom trofa, porto portugal

2006-11-04 23:29:55mbortola (-,0cm) ?

2006-09-27 05:00:19mbortola (-,0cm) ? very strong signal even in rain

2006-05-13 10:48:09mbortola (-,0cm) ? 84%de señal

2006-01-24 09:42:02mbortola (-,0cm) ? i have dish 90cm at uae

2006-01-24 09:34:49mbortola (-,0cm) ? هل يمكن استقبال هذا القمر في الإمارات بطبق 90cm

2005-12-14 16:59:13mbortola (-,0cm) ? ok bonne réception

2005-12-09 13:44:33mbortola (-,0cm) ? good reception signal 85% Quality 77..para ver feeds necesitas decodificarlos..

2005-11-28 19:29:51mbortola (-,0cm) ? 70% no cojo fedds

2005-11-14 22:59:50mbortola (-,0cm) ? work good on 100 dish

2005-10-31 15:55:46mbortola (-,0cm) ? 38N-3E,75CM

2005-10-31 15:48:13mbortola (-,0cm) ?

2005-09-20 16:56:20mbortola (-,0cm) ? 45cm Sky Dish - SNR 74%, AGC 54% - No Pictures - Channel Scan OK though.

2005-09-16 07:45:23mbortola (-,0cm) ? pretty good signal (at 73%)

2005-09-10 07:19:43mbortola (-,0cm) ? Bonne reception

2005-08-03 11:40:58Chezzdevil (42.5N-2.4E,135cm) ? Good reception +79 146 TV & 73 Radio on DB7000 with 0.3 LNB

2005-04-17 16:37:54jomaflo1 (36.7N-5.1W,65cm) buena recepcion no cojo feeds?

2005-03-01 11:21:50Gonçal (41.4N-1.6E,100cm) ? Es veu perfecte, senyal 95%, feeds 100%, amb una de 80 tambe sagafarien.

2005-01-20 21:55:38tramora (33.6N-7W,140cm)

2004-12-21 21:23:39Durham, UK (54.7N-1.6W,80cm) Good clean signal with 80cm and 0.3db LNB

2004-12-05 16:10:41lolokopito (38.1N-3.1W,60cm) Recibo señal O.K. Pero no consigo coger feeds. Tengo máximo interés coger feeds por este satélite

2004-11-07 12:53:39sprinter (51.5N-3.9E,90cm) good signal

2004-10-15 17:16:40cajumar (40.8N-1.5E,60cm) No consigo sintonizar - 60 cm

2004-10-10 01:14:21ralp (37.2N-4.8W,65cm) 68€ signal. Buena recepcion

2004-09-14 11:10:18Spinner (45.5N-9.2E,85cm) Very good reception in Milan with an 85 cm

2004-06-16 00:15:10Ghislain (50.1N-3.4E,90cm) ? Excellent reception, stronger than before - 73% signal strenght - 99% signal quality according to Topfield PVR5000 readings

2004-06-15 10:57:54cristy (44.2N-25.9E,180cm) ? good reception

2004-05-29 12:16:14stduf (50.6N-2.4E,75cm) ? w3 va rejoiNdre la position 48°E EN JUIN

2004-05-28 18:54:21stduf (50.5N-2.3E,75cm) ? EXCELENTE RECEPTION 70%

2004-05-23 15:54:24Steve (31.7N-34.8E,110cm) the reception for this beam has improved compared to W3 with 99% signal strength

In order to post your own reception reports you must define your position and dish size on the Profile page


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